Birgit Meyer zu Selhausen

Birgit Meyer zu Selhausen has been active in M&A consulting in the cooperative sector since 2012. Birgit focuses on advising consumer goods and technology companies in transactions in the owner-operated SME sector, but also, for example, in corporate carve-outs and special situations. In addition, as Supervisory Board Head, she drives the development of the international M&A advisory network ADVIOR International.

Birgit began her professional career in 1998 in the Equity Capital Markets department of WestLB Panmure. For several years, she accompanied companies from the IT and Internet sector in their IPOs on the Neuer Markt. In 2001, she moved to M&A consulting in London and over the years has advised a large number of companies and entrepreneurs in partly cross-border transactions, often with stock exchange relevance. In 2011, she took over as head of the Mergers & Acquisitions department of WestLB AG and executed together with her team the sale of portfolio assets of the bank.

Birgit studied business administration at Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich and the University of Augsburg and holds a Masters degree in business administration. Prior to this, she completed a traineeship at Bayerische Vereinsbank, Munich. She is also an alumna of the Executive Program of the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management and certified business mediator (Steinbeis).

Birgit has been enthusiastic about the advancing possibilities of digitalization for many years. She prefers to spend her free time with her family in the outdoors.